The R. F. Outcault Society
R. F. Outcault Society welcomes you to its web page and hopes that you
become a regular visitor. Membership in the Society is open to everyone
interested in the creative genius of R. F. Outcault, the creator of the
Kid, Pore Li'l Mose, Buster Brown, and a host of other characters.
Contact Richard D. Olson at the addresses at the bottom of this page for more information and to purchase back issues of our newsletter.
A special project completed a few years ago was the production of a VHS video tape featuring the Bob Cook Yellow Kid Collection. It featured over 362 different Yellow Kid collectibles, and while not a professional production, the quality is good and no one has ever asked for a refund! Copies are available today for $25 from Richard D. Olson at the addresses below.
If you have any questions about The R. F. Outcault Society, please feel free to contact us.
Richard D. Olson, Ph.D., 40
Infinity Drive, Poplarville,
MS 39470-9006
(769) 717-4077
Web Design and Hosting
Fantastic Transcripts